Friday, August 06, 2021


Above Grammar

United States Vice President Kamala Harris, quoted in Peter Nicholas, "Kamala Harris Knows She's Trapped," The Atlantic (August 5, 2021):
"There is no sunlight or daylight between he and I on the issue of race, on the history of racism in our country, and also what we need to do going forward to fight for equity based on race, gender, and everything else," she said.
Jon R. Stone, The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations (New York: Routledge, 2005), p. 247:
ego sum rex Romanus et supra grammaticam: I am king of the Romans and above grammar (Emperor Sigismund at the Council of Constance).
W. Francis H. King, Classical and Foreign Quotations, 3rd ed. (London: J. Whitaker & Sons, Limited, 1904), p. 160:


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