Tuesday, April 05, 2022


The Time Will Come

Seneca, Natural Questions 7.25.4 (tr. Harry M. Hine):
There will come a day when the passage of time and the efforts of a longer stretch of human history will bring to light things that are now obscure. One lifetime, even if it can be wholly devoted to astronomy, is not sufficient for the investigation of such important matters. And just think of how we divide our tiny number of years unequally between our studies and our vices. So it will take a long succession of people to explain these matters.

veniet tempus quo ista quae nunc latent in lucem dies extrahat et longioris aevi diligentia; ad inquisitionem tantorum aetas una non sufficit, ut tota caelo vacet: quid, quod tam paucos annos inter studia ac vitia non aequa portione dividimus? itaque per successiones ista longas explicabuntur.

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