Saturday, May 28, 2022


Clean Up Your Own Mind

Ezra Pound, radio broadcast on March 26, 1942, in Ezra Pound Speaking. Radio Speeches of World War II. Edited by Leonard W. Doob (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1978), p. 76:
How can you DO it? Damn it, you can start by cleaning up your own minds. You can clear out the crap that you JOURNALISTS KNOW is crap: when they write it.

You can then clear out the crap that journalists BELIEVE along with their fake news, along what the advertisers LET the OWNERS (so called), let the editors PUBLISH. There is a second layer of crap that newspapermen believe to be real. BUT it is not grounded on a real knowledge of ANYTHING.

They have NOT gone into the documents. They have not read the real history. They chase one butterfly after another.
This would make more sense to me if the second you in the third sentence were removed. Pound wasn't addressing his words to journalists.

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