Friday, June 03, 2022



Cicero, Letters to Atticus 4.18.2 (Rome, between 24 October and 2 November 54; tr. D.R. Shackleton Bailey):
My dear friend, not only have we lost the vital essence of the free state—even the outward complexion and aspect it used to wear has gone. There is no Republic any longer to give me joy and solace.

amisimus, mi Pomponi, omnem non modo sucum ac sanguinem sed etiam colorem et speciem pristinam civitatis. nulla est res publica quae delectet, in qua acquiescam.
The same (tr. E.O. Winstedt):
The State, my dear Pomponius, has lost not only its sap and blood, but even all its old colour and outward semblance. There is in fact no Republic to give one a feeling of joy and peace.

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