Saturday, April 08, 2023



Martial 7.47.11 (tr. D.R. Shackleton Bailey):
Live as on plunderb and pluck fleeting joys.

b On borrowed time, in modern idiom.

vive velut rapto fugitivaque gaudia carpe.
Edwin Post ad loc.:
Vive...carpe: i.e. make the most of this new lease of life. — rapto: here a noun; cf. the idiom rapto (ex rapto) vivere. This new span of life is like plunder stolen from Pluto himself, which Pluto may at any moment seek to recover; hence one who wishes to get full use of it must use it at once. — fugitiva...gaudia: cf. 1.15.8 N. — carpe: cf. Hor. C. 1.11.8 carpe diem; Ov. A.A. 3.661 aliae tua gaudia carpent.
Guillermo Galán Vioque ad loc.:

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