Saturday, March 22, 2025



Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), Lyrical Intermezzo 28 (tr. Hal Draper):
I don't believe in the heaven
Of which the preachers drone:
I believe in your eyes only—
There is my heaven alone.

I don't believe in the godhead
Of which the preachers drone:
I believe in your heart only—
No other god do I own.

I don't believe in the devil,
In hell or its counterpart:
I believe in your eyes only
And in your devilish heart.

Ich glaub' nicht an den Himmel,
Wovon das Pfäfflein spricht;
Ich glaub' nur an dein Auge,
Das ist mein Himmelslicht.

Ich glaub' nicht an den Herrgott,
Wovon das Pfäfflein spricht;
Ich glaub' nur an dein Herze,
'Nen andern Gott hab' ich nicht.

Ich glaub' nicht an den Bösen,
An Höll' und Höllenschmerz;
Ich glaub' nur an dein Auge,
Und an dein böses Herz.
A more literal translation, by Peter Branscombe:
I dont' believe in Heaven, of which the little priest speaks; I only believe in your eyes, they are my heavenly light.

I don't believe in the Lord God, of whom the little priest speaks; I only believe in your heart, I have no other god.

I don't believe in the Evil One, in Hell and the torments of Hell; I only believe in your eyes, and in your evil heart.

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