Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Augustine, Sermons 353.1 (Patrologia Latina, vol. 39, cols. 1560-1561; tr. Edmund Hill):
What is malice, but a love of doing harm? What is guile but doing one thing and pretending to do another? What is flattery, but leading astray with deceitful praise? What is envy, but hatred of another's good fortune? What is fault-finding, but criticism that is more waspish than truthful?
Quid est malitia, nisi nocendi amor? Quid est dolus, nisi aliud agere et aliud simulare? Quid est adulatio, nisi fallaci laude seductio? Quid est invidia, nisi odium felicitatis alienae? Quid est detractio, nisi mordacior, quam veracior reprehensio?