Sunday, October 03, 2004


Past and Present

Montaigne, Essais II, 17 (tr. E.J. Trechmann):
Whether it be perhaps that my continual intercourse with the habits of mind of the ancient writers, and the picture I have formed of those richly-endowed minds of the past, have put me out of humour with others, and with myself; or that we do in truth live in an age which produces only very indifferent things, the fact remains that I see nothing worthy of any great admiration.

A l'adventure que le commerce continuel que j'ay avec les humeurs anciennes, et l'idée de ces riches ames du temps passé, me dégouste, et d'autruy, et de moy-mesme: ou bien qu'à la verité nous vivons en un siecle qui ne produict les choses que bien mediocres: Tant y a que je ne connoy rien digne de grande admiration.

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