Saturday, September 02, 2006


Art Appreciation

Anthony Burgess, Little Wilson and Big God (1987; rpt. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1991), p. 91:
I would as often as not walk down Moss Lane East, passing Whitworth Park with its pond, its meteorological station, and its highly regarded art gallery from which for some time I was banned; in the company of other kids I had sucked at the marble breast of a Greek goddess and been ejected by one of the curators.
I wonder if it would be possible to identify the gallery and the sculpture.

Professor David Whitehead writes:
The gallery is Manchester University's Whitworth Art Gallery [] which Burgess, a student there in the late 1930s, would indeed have passed when approaching the main campus from the south. It doesn't have very many antiquities, so the sculpture in question ought to be easy to identify, especially if it is still there.

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