Thursday, September 14, 2006


Classics In the News

From an Associated Press story by Michael Virtanen entitled Literary pilgrimage in upstate New York:
Twin baby grand pianos stand in the living room of a white clapboard farmhouse high on the Taconic Ridge on the border of New York and Massachusetts. Here the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay composed and played duets. The sculpted bust of the Greek poet Saffo still dominates one corner, while a painting depicts Millay's husband and sister swimming naked in the outdoor pool, now filled with murky water beneath a heavy canopy of trees.
In Italian you can call her Saffo, but in English we usually call her Sappho.

Dave Lull drew my attention to an article in The Times (September 11, 2006) by Alexandra Blair, with the headline Online initiative is bonus novus for the revival of Latin in schools. The first sentence is:
Latin appears to be enjoying a quiet revival in Britain's secondary schools.
Maybe one day Latin will revive in Britain to the point that headline writers will know that "bonus novus" isn't Latin for "good news".

Gary at The Bourgeois Burglars sent a link to a Reuters story:
They are calling it the "crossed legs" strike.

Fretting over crime and violence, girlfriends and wives of gang members in the Colombian city of Pereira have called a ban on sex to persuade their menfolk to give up the gun.
Sounds like the ladies have been reading Aristophanes' Lysistrata in their book clubs.

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