Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday Salmagundi
To the examples collected in Time to Go, add Strabo 10.5.6 (on Ceos, tr. H.C. Hamilton and W. Falconer):
Alexandra Juhasz is teaching a course called "Learning from YouTube" at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. Tuition, room, and board at Pitzer College cost over $45,000 a year. Maybe they should rename it Patzer College (German patzer = bungler). If I were a student, I'd be ashamed for such a course to be named permanently on my college transcript.
Fritz Rienacker, Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament, tr. Cleon Rogers (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980), p. 89:
Doug Harlow, Fairfield Council to OK town logo contest, Morning Sentinel (September 12, 2007):
To the collection of quotations on Children Who Resemble Their Fathers, add this fragment from Menander, Karchedonios (tr. W.G. Arnott):
Edward O. Wilson, Naturalist (New York: Warner Books, 1995), p. 56:
Newer› ‹Older
There was an ancient law among these people, mentioned by Menander. 'Phanias, that is a good law of the Ceans; who cannot live comfortably (or well), let him not live miserably (or ill).' For the law, it seems, ordained that those above sixty years old should be compelled to drink hemlock, in order that there might be sufficient food for the rest. It is said that once when they were besieged by the Athenians, a decree was passed to the effect that the oldest persons, fixing the age, should be put to death, and that the besiegers retired in consequence.
Alexandra Juhasz is teaching a course called "Learning from YouTube" at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. Tuition, room, and board at Pitzer College cost over $45,000 a year. Maybe they should rename it Patzer College (German patzer = bungler). If I were a student, I'd be ashamed for such a course to be named permanently on my college transcript.
Fritz Rienacker, Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament, tr. Cleon Rogers (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980), p. 89:
For the resumptive pronoun used after a relative, s. W.F. Bakker, Pronomen Alurdans and Pronomen Coniunctum, 39.I thought at first this was some new exotic species of pronoun, but it's just a misprint for pronomen abundans.
Doug Harlow, Fairfield Council to OK town logo contest, Morning Sentinel (September 12, 2007):
Town Councilors will be asked tonight to allow the Economic and Community Development office to go ahead with plans for a town logo contest for the development of a new town seal.I don't know how long the old town seal has been around, but this seems to me to be needless change just for the sake of change. It's difficult for my tired eyes to make out all the details, but the old seal on the Fairfield, Maine web site appears to show a mill on a stream, a plow, and a saw cutting a log, all of which represent honest labor. Will the new seal represent the new economic paradigm, some paper pusher (perhaps an Economic and Community Development Planner) tapping keys on a computer?
The contest winner will receive a $50 gift certificate.
On the idea for a new town logo, [Town Manager Paul] Blanchette said, newly hired Economic and Community Development Planner Roseanna Bradley is hoping for a new look that represents the town and its growth.
"We're looking to develop a new town seal we can use, something pertinent to the town of Fairfield," Blanchette said. "We're looking for ideas and there really are no rules."
To the collection of quotations on Children Who Resemble Their Fathers, add this fragment from Menander, Karchedonios (tr. W.G. Arnott):
For no one knows who his own father is—
We all assume it, or take it on trust.
αὑτὸν γὰρ οὐθεὶς οἶδε τοῦ ποτ' ἐγένετο,
ἀλλ' ὑπονοοῦμεν πάντες ἢ πιστεύομεν.
Edward O. Wilson, Naturalist (New York: Warner Books, 1995), p. 56:
I turned with growing concentration to Nature as a sanctuary and a realm of boundless adventure; the fewer people in it, the better. Wilderness became a dream of privacy, safety, control, and freedom. Its essence is captured for me by its Latin name, solitudo.