Friday, February 26, 2010


Retirement Plans

Benjamin Franklin, letter to Cadwallader Colden (September 29, 1748):
Thus you see I am in a fair Way of having no other Tasks than such as I shall like to give my Self, and of enjoying what I look upon as a great Happiness, Leisure to read, study, make Experiments, and converse at large with such ingenious & worthy Men, as are pleas'd to honour me with their Friendship or Acquaintance, on such Points as may produce something for the common Benefit of Mankind, uninterrupted by the little Cares & Fatigues of Business.
Don Marquis, The Almost Perfect State (Garden City: Doubleday, 1927), p. 182:
Personally we look forward to an old age of dissipation and indolence and unreverend disrepute.

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