Thursday, June 10, 2010


To Be Merry Is Best

Richard Maitland (1496-1586), Advyce to Lesom Mirriness, lines 1-16:
Quhen I haive done consider
  This warldis vanitie,
Sa brukill and sa slidder,
  Sa full of miserie;
Then I remember me    5
  That heir thair is no rest;
Thairfoir appeirentlie,
  To be mirrie is best.

Let us be blyth and glaid,
  My friendis all I pray;    10
To be pensive and sad
  Na thing it help us may.
Thairfoir put quyt away
  All heviness of thocht;
Thocht we murne nicht and day    15
  It will availl us nocht.
lesom = lawful
1 quhen = when
2 warldis = world's
3 brukill = brittle, slidder = slippery
7, 13 thairfoir = therefore
14 thocht = thought
15 thocht (should be thoch?) = though, murne = mourn, nicht = night
16 nocht = nought

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