Saturday, September 10, 2011
Richard Goodman, French Dirt: The Story of a Garden in the South of France (1991; rpt. New York: HarperPerennial, 1992), p. 160:
Gustave Caillebotte, Les Jardiniers
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I recommend that all bachelors have a garden. It will give them, in some small way, the experience of being a parent. I make analogies to sex and birth and and children when I talk about a garden because they come naturally. In a garden, you put your seeds into the earth, into the mother earth. They germinate, they grow, they flower—like children. After they begin to grow, you worry about them, you tend them constantly, you fret over their maladies. Some are stronger, bigger and healthier than others. That concerns you. And mystifies you.p. 199:
Was all this effort for a few string beans, a few tomato plants, some basil and lettuce, some zucchini and a few eggplants—all of which we could buy at a store so very cheaply and so easily?