Thursday, January 12, 2012



William Shenstone (1714-1763), Written at an Inn at Henley:
To thee, fair freedom! I retire
    From flattery, cards, and dice, and din;
Nor art thou found in mansions higher
    Than the low cot, or humble inn.

'Tis here with boundless power I reign;
    And every health which I begin,
Converts dull port to bright champagne;
    Such freedom crowns it, at an inn.

I fly from pomp, I fly from plate!
    I fly from falsehood's specious grin!
Freedom I love, and form I hate,
    And chuse my lodgings at an inn.

Here, waiter! take my sordid ore,
    Which lacqueys else might hope to win;
It buys, what courts have not in store;
    It buys me freedom at an inn.

Whoe'er has travell'd life's dull round,
    Where'er his stages may have been,
May sigh to think he still has found
    The warmest welcome, at an inn.

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