Sunday, January 01, 2012


New Year's Greetings

Ovid, Fasti 1.65-67 (tr. James George Frazer):
Two-headed Janus, opener of the softly gliding year,
thou who alone of the celestials dost behold thy back,
O come propitious...

Iane biceps, anni tacite labentis origo,
solus de superis qui tua terga vides,
dexter ades...
Bust of Janus, Vatican Museum

Hat tip: Eric Thomson, who writes: "New Year's greetings, and not of the maudlin sort, however more appropriate that might be for 2012." See Oxford English Dictionary, s.vv.:
greet, v.2, sense 1.a: intr. To weep, cry, lament, grieve.

greeting, n.2: The action of GREET v.2; lamentation, weeping.

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