Saturday, August 04, 2012


Knowledge, Real and Pretended

Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), Don Quixote II.29 (tr. Walter Starkie):
But Don Quixote bade him not to worry about abandoning the animals, for he who was to lead them through such longinquous ways and regions would take care to provide for them.

"I can't make head or tail of your logiquous," said Sancho; "I never heard such a word in all my life."

"Longiquous," replied Don Quixote, "means remote, and it is no wonder you do not understand it, for you are not obliged to know Latin, like some who pretend to know it and don't."

Don Quijote le dijo que no tuviese pena del desamparo de aquellos animales, que el que los llevaría a ellos por tan longincuos caminos y regiones tendría cuenta de sustentarlos.

—No entiendo eso de logicuos —dijo Sancho —, ni he oído tal vocablo en todos los días de mi vida.

Longincuos — respondió don Quijote— quiere decir apartados, y no es maravilla que no lo entiendas, que no estás tú obligado a saber latín, como algunos que presumen que lo saben y lo ignoran.

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