Saturday, September 08, 2012


Peas in a Pod

Erasmus, Adagia 1.5.10-13, discusses four proverbs about the difficulty of distinguishing between similar things (translation by Margaret Mann Phillips et al.):

1.5.10: Non tam ovum ovo simile (As like as one egg to another)
1.5.11: Non tam lac lacti simile (As like as milk to milk)
1.5.12: Non tam aqua similis aquae (As like as water to water)
1.5.13: Quam apes apum similes (As like as bees to bees)

See also Renzo Tosi, Dictionnaire des sentences latines et grecques, tr. Rebecca Lenoir (Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2010), ## 1369-1370 (pp. 1016-1017).

Republicans and Democrats have now finished their quadrennial love-fests, aka national conventions. I tried to pay as little attention to them as possible, but to do so successfully would have required ear-plugs and blinders. No matter who is elected president, I foresee little difference in the lives of the 99%. We live not in a democracy but in a plutocracy. Art Young (1866-1943) saw through the sham in his cartoon Rivals for the Monarch's Favor (click to enlarge):

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