Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A Noble Not-Caring

Owen Felltham (1602?–1668), Resolves: Divine, Moral, Political, 8th ed. (London: Printed for Peter Dring, 1661), p. 3 (no. II: Of Resolution):
The world has nothing in it worthy a man's serious anger. The best way to perish discontentments, is either not to see them, or convert them to a dimpling mirth. How endless will be the quarrels of a cholerick man, and the contentments of him, that is resolved to turn indignities into things to make sport withal? 'Tis sure, nothing but experience, and collected judgement, can make a man do this: but when he has brought himself unto it, how infinite shall he find his ease?
Id., p. 4:
As for the crackers of the brain, and tongue-squibs, they will die alone, if I shall not revive them. The best way to have them forgotten by others, is first to forget them my self. This will keep my self in quiet, and by a noble not-caring, arrow the intenders bosome: who will ever fret most, when he findes his designs most frustrate.
Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. arrow, v., sense 3 (citing only this passage): "To pierce, wound (? confused with harrow)."

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