Saturday, February 23, 2013


Perpetual Jollities

Owen Felltham (1602?–1668), Resolves: Divine, Moral, Political, 8th ed. (London: Printed for Peter Dring, 1661), p. 76 (XLI: That all things are restrained):
Surely, we deceive our selves, to think on earth, continued joyes would please. 'Tis a way that crosses that which Nature goes. Nothing would be more tedious, then to be glutted with perpetual Jollities: were the body tyed to one dish alwayes, (though of the most exquisite delicate, that it could make choise of) yet after a small time, it would complain of loathing and satiety. And so would the soul, if it did ever epicure it self in joy. Discontents are sometimes the better part of our life. I know not well which is the more usefull; Joy I may chuse for pleasure, but adversities are the best for profit. And sometimes these do so far help me, as I should without them, want much of the joy I have.
Juvenal 11.208 (tr. Susanna Morton Braund):
Pleasures are enhanced by rare indulgence.

voluptates commendat rarior usus.

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