Wednesday, February 13, 2013



Thomas Flatman (1635-1688), "The Unconcerned. Song," in his Poems and Songs, 4th ed. (London: Benjamin Tooke, 1686), p. 137:
Now that the World is all in a maze,
    Drums and Trumpets rending Heav'ns,
Wounds a bleeding, Mortals dying,
    Widows and Orphans piteously crying;
Armies marching, Towns in a blaze,
    Kingdoms and States at sixes and sevens:
        What should an honest Fellow do,
Whose courage, and fortunes run equally low!
    Let him live, say I, till his glass be run,
        As easily as he may;
Let the Wine, and the Sand of his Glass flow together,
    For Life's but a Winters day;
        Alas from Sun to Sun,
    The time's very short, very dirty the weather,
    And we silently creep away,
Let him nothing do, he could wish undone;
And keep himself safe from the noise of Gun.

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