Thursday, April 03, 2014


Fortune's Vomit

Arsenius, Violetum, ed. Christian Walz (Stuttgart: Loeflund, 1832), p. 209 (ascribed to Diogenes; my translation):
He said that wealth was Fortune's vomit.

Ὁ αὐτὸς εἶπε τὸν πλοῦτον τύχης ἔμετον εἶναι.
Stobaeus 4.31.89, in Ioannis Stobaei Anthologium, Vol. V: Anthologii Libri Quarti Partem Alteram...Continens, ed. Otto Hense (Berlin: Weidmann, 1912), p. 766 (ascribed to Monimus; my translation):
He said that wealth was Fortune's vomit.

Τὸν πλοῦτον εἶπε Τύχης ἔμετον εἶναι.
Gnomologium Vaticanum e Codice Vaticano Graeco 743, ed. Leo Sternbach (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1963), p. 86, no. 216 (ascribed to Demosthenes; my translation):
He said that the wealthy and uneducated man was Fortune's vomit.

Ὁ αὐτὸς τὸν πλούσιον καὶ ἀπαίδευτον ἔφη Τύχης ἔμετον εἶναι.
I owe the references to Diogenes the Cynic, Sayings and Anecdotes with Other Popular Moralists. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Robin Hard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012). Thanks to Ian Jackson for checking the quotation from the Gnomologium Vaticanum.

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