Thursday, May 08, 2014



Anatole France (1844-1924), The Garden of Epicurus, tr. Alfred Allinson (London: John Lane, 1920), p. 101:
We call men dangerous whose minds are made differently from our own, and immoral those who profess another standard of ethics. We condemn as sceptics all who do not share our own illusions, without ever troubling our heads to inquire if they have others of their own.
The French, from Le Jardin d'Épicure, 9th ed. (Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1895), p. 116:
Nous appelons dangereux ceux qui ont l'esprit fait autrement que le nôtre et immoraux ceux qui n'ont point notre morale. Nous appelons sceptiques ceux qui n'ont point nos propres illusions, sans même nous inquiéter s'ils en ont d'autres.

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