Monday, January 26, 2015


Burial Wishes of Robinson Jeffers

Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962), The Collected Poetry, Vol. III: 1939-1962, ed. Tim Hunt (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1962), p. 452:
I have told you in another poem, whether you've read it or not,
About a beautiful place the hard-wounded
Deer go to die in; their bones lie mixed in their little graveyard
Under leaves by a flashing cliff-brook, and if
They have ghosts they like it, the bones and mixed antlers are well content.
Now comes for me the time to engage
My burial place: put me in a beautiful place far off from men,
No cemetery, no necropolis,
And for God's sake no columbarium, nor yet no funeral.
But if the human animal were precious
As the quick deer or that hunter in the night the lonely puma
I should be pleased to lie in one grave with 'em.
1 "in another poem": with the title "The Deer Lay Down Their Bones" (id., pp. 407-408)

Robert Zaller, Robinson Jeffers and the American Sublime (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012), p. 368:
Like Una, he was cremated, and his ashes were buried beneath a yew tree in the courtyard of Tor House, where Una's had been laid twelve years before.
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