Saturday, January 31, 2015



M. Annaei Lucani Belli Civilis Libri Decem. Editorum in Usum Edidit A.E. Housman (Oxford: Blackwell, 1926), pp. xxxiv-xxxv (on Cornelis Marinus Francken):
The width and variety of his ignorance are wonderful; it embraces mythology, palaeography, prosody, and astronomy, and he cannot keep it to himself...
Housman was kinder to Francken in Classical Review 14 (1900) 468:
Having occasion to speak of Mr Francken's MSS he adds the words 'cuius in emendando textu consilium non probo.' Neither do I approve it: Mr Francken's faculty for discovering truth is not great; but Mr Heitland and Mr Hosius too would do well to fix their attention less on Mr Francken's faults than on his merits: his disinterestedness, his freedom of judgment, his unwillingness to be duped.

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