Tuesday, February 17, 2015


As Good as a Hundred Thousand

Cicero, Brutus 51.191 (on Antimachus; tr. G.L. Hendrickson):
When reading that long and well-known poem of his before an assembled audience, in the very midst of his reading all his listeners left him but Plato: 'I shall go on reading,' he said, 'just the same; for me Plato alone is as good as a hundred thousand.'

cum convocatis auditoribus legeret eis magnum illud quod novistis volumen suum et eum legentem omnes praeter Platonem reliquissent: legam, inquit, nihilo minus; Plato enim mihi unus instar est centum milium.

centum milium Orelli, omnium me illum L
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