Tuesday, May 12, 2015


The Death Penalty

Valerius Maximus 8.4.1 (tr. D.R. Shackleton Bailey):
A slave of the banker M. Agrius called Alexander was accused of killing a slave of A. Fannius and tortured by his master on that account. He steadfastly asserted that he had committed the crime. So he was handed over to Fannius and executed. A little time passed and the man believed to have been murdered returned home.

M. Agrii argentarii servus Alexander A. Fannii servum occidisse insimulatus est, eoque nomine tortus a domino admisisse id facinus constantissime adseveravit. itaque Fannio deditus supplicio est adfectus. parvulo deinde tempore interiecto, ille cuius de nece creditum erat domum rediit.
Note the misprints in the heading of this chapter in the Digital Loeb Classical Library:

For QUAUSTIONIBUS read QUAESTIONIBUS and for preaf. read praef.

Related post: Corpus Delicti.


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