Friday, September 09, 2016


Damnatio Memoriae: Frederic Stanley Dunn

There is, or was, a building at the University of Oregon named Dunn Hall after classical scholar Frederic Stanley Dunn (1872-1937). For Dunn's sins, set forth in David Alan Johnson et al., Report on the History of Matthew P. Deady and Frederick S. Dunn, pp. 23-34, the current President of the University of Oregon, Michael H. Schill, has recommended that the building be renamed (or denamed, to use the word that Schill prefers). Because he never received a Ph.D., there is no entry for Dunn in Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists, ed. Ward W. Briggs, Jr. (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994).

Dunn's publications include:

Frederic Stanley Dunn

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