Friday, November 11, 2016


Herod and Thucydides

Neal Pollack, writing tongue-in-cheek in Salon (screen shot captured today):

In text form:
It's not our style to hide our pens and our keyboards in the face of an illiterate mob. We will continue to speak truth to justice even as we consolidate our power. As I wrote in my 1964 National Review essay "The Courage of the Elites," "We have read our Herod and our Thucydides, our Aristophanes and our Homer. We have memorized the speeches of Prince Hal. We must carry forth our ideals, bow ties straightened, onward toward the precipice of freedom." I read lots of books in college, and I was pleased to let everyone know that fact.
Pollack was precocious. Although not born until 1970, by 1964 he had already attended college and was working as a journalist. Ancient historians must mourn the loss of Herod's works, as they do Livy's missing books.

I also see "Herod and Thucydides" mentioned by Michael Salewski, "Ninety Years after Jutland: Reflections," in Jutland: World War I's Greatest Naval Battle, edd. Michael Epkenhans et al. (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2015), pp. 363-378 (at 366).


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