Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Conditions of a Private Library

Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), "On the Conditions of a Private Library," as reprinted in Edward M. Wilson, "Samuel Pepys in Spain," Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 7.3 (1979) 322-337 (at 334; endnote omitted):
In distinction noe lesse from those of the more Extensive, Pompous, and Stationary Libraries, of PRINCES, UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES, and other PUBLICK-SOCIETIES, than of the more Restrained though otherwise Voluminous COLLECTIONS incident to those of the PROFESSORS of PARTICULAR FACULTIES: as being calculated for the SELF-ENTERTAINMENT onely of a solitary, unconfined ENQUIRER into BOOKS, and VOTARY of CICERO'S OTIUM LITERATUM: Iis (dico) Literis quibus Infinitatem Rerum atque Naturae, et in hoc ipso Mundo Coelum, Terras, Maria, cognoscimus. Tusc. Disp. Lib. Wherein what I propose as principally to be attended to is,
1. As to the Generall Scope and Purpose of it:
The comprehending in fewest Books and least Room the greatest diversity of SUBJECTS, STYLES, and LANGUAGES its Owner's Reading will bear; with Reguard had to theyr AUTHORS, EDITIONS, and PROPORTIONS on each Subject, answerable to theyr Weight, and the Particular Genius of their said Owner.
2. In the Book-binders Works,
Decency and Uniformity; with some Marks of theyr Propriety.
3. In theyr Registry.
Clearness, Comprehensiveness, and Order, and that
Three-fold, viz.  Alphabeticall
Originally printed in J.R. Tanner, ed., Private Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Samuel Pepys (London: G. Bell and Sons, Limited, 1926), vol. II, pp. 247-248 (non vidi).

Hat tip: Eric Thomson, who a few years ago sent me this photograph of part of his private library:

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