Thursday, April 05, 2018


The Center of Greek Life

Arnaldo Momigliano (1908-1987), "Some Observations on Causes of War in Ancient Historiography," Acta Congressus Madvigiani: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Classical Studies, 1954, Vol. I (Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1958), pp. 199-211; rpt. in his Secondo contributo alla storia degli studi classici (1961; rpt. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1984), pp. 13-27 (at 21):
War was an ever present reality in Greek life; it was a focus for emotions, ethical values, social rules. It was not by chance that Herodotus made war the centre of historical writing, and that his successors accepted his decision. War was the centre of Greek life.

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