Wednesday, November 21, 2018



Hugh of Saint Victor, Rules for Novices XXI (Patrologia Latina 176.952), tr. G.G. Coulton, A Medieval Garner (London: Constable & Company Ltd., 1910), pp. 98-99:
Others dip again into the dishes their half-gnawed crusts and bitten morsels; thus, in their haste to make a sop for themselves, plunging that which their teeth have spared into the dish.

Sunt qui semicorrosas crustas et praemorsas colliridas cibariis iterando infingunt, et reliquias dentium suorum offas facturi in poculis demergunt.
My table manners wouldn't withstand close scrutiny by Miss Manners, but double-dipping (e.g. of half-eaten chips into the common dip) is so disgusting to me that I'm careful to avoid it even when I'm eating by myself.

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