Sunday, December 23, 2018


Scholars on Honeymoon

E.R. Dodds (1893-1979), Missing Persons: An Autobiography (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977), pp. 84-85:
Our honeymoon was spent in Italy, partly in a little inn at Fiesole—then still a small country town rather than a suburb of Florence—and partly at Venice. We thriftily combined a great deal of fun with a modicum of work: each morning I took the tram to the Laurentiana or the vaporetto to the Marciana and collated manuscripts while Bet [Annie Edwards Powell] deepened her knowledge of early Italian painting, about which as an ardent disciple of Berenson she already knew quite a lot. We met for lunch and a siesta, and the rest of the day was given over to pleasure. It was a happy time for both of us.

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