Sunday, February 03, 2019


The Best and Wisest Thing for Us to Do

Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part I, Chapter XVIII (Sancho Panza to Don Quixote; tr. Walter Starkie, with his note):
The best and wisest thing for us to do, in my humble opinion, is to go back to our village, now that it's reaping time, and look after our own affairs, and not go wandering from pillar to post and going from Ceca to Mecca, as the saying goes.

1 Ceca was the name of the great mosque of Córdoba, which was looked upon as nearly equal in sanctity to Mecca. Andar de ceca en meca (to go from Ceca to Mecca) is still said of gadabouts.

Y lo que sería mejor y más acertado, según mi poco entendimiento, fuera el volvernos á nuestro lugar, ahora que es tiempo de la siega y de entender en la hacienda, dejándonos de andar de ceca en meca y de zoca en colodra, como dicen.

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