Thursday, July 02, 2020


Keep an Open Mind

Apuleius, Metamorphoses 1.3 (tr. E.J. Kenney):
But what you are stupidly refusing to listen to and stubbornly pooh-poohing may very well be a true report. Really, I think you are being ignorant and perverse when you account as a lie anything you've never heard of or aren't familiar with the sight of or just find too difficult for your understanding to grasp. If you look lnto these thlngs a little more closely, you'll find out that they aren't only reliably attested but can easily happen.

tu vero crassis auribus et obstinato corde respuis quae forsitan vere perhibeantur. minus hercule calles pravissimis opinionibus ea putari mendacia, quae vel auditu nova vel visu rudia vel certe supra captum cogitationis ardua videantur; quae si paulo accuratius exploraris, non modo compertu evidentia, verum etiam factu facilia senties.

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