Tuesday, August 09, 2022



Salvian, On the Governance of God 6.18.98-99 (tr. Jeremiah F. O'Sullivan):
We do not have the peace and wealth of former times. All things which were are either gone or changed. Only our vices alone have increased. Nothing is left of our peace and former prosperity except our crimes alone and in full. Our crimes which have ended our prosperity are left. Where are the old resources and dignities of the Romans? Formerly, the Romans were most strong; now they are without strength. The old Romans were feared; we are afraid. The barbarian people paid them tribute; we are tributary to the barbarians. The enemy sells us the enjoyment of daylight. In a way, our entire welfare is at a price. O our misfortunes! To what have we come!

pacem et divitias priorum temporum non habemus, omnia, quae fuerunt, aut ablata aut immutata sunt: sola tantum vitia creverunt. nihil nobis de pace et prosperitate pristina reliquum est nisi sola omnino crimina, quae prosperitatem non esse fecerunt. ubi namque sunt antiquae Romanorum opes ac dignitates? fortissimi quondam Romani erant, nunc sine viribus: timebantur Romani veteres, nos timemus: vectigalia illis solvebant populi barbarorum, nos vectigales barbaris sumus. vendunt nobis hostes lucis usuram, tota admodum salus nostra commercium est. o infelicitates nostras! ad quid devenimus!

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