Thursday, August 11, 2022



Terracotta comic mask from Capua (British Museum, registration number 1873,0820.565):
The British Museum web site calls this a "satyr mask," but Richard Green and Eric Handley, Images of the Greek Theatre (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995), pp. 74-75 (number 46), call it the mask of an old man, and T.B.L. Webster, Monuments Illustrating New Comedy, 3rd ed., vol. 2 (London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1995), p. 18 (1AT 37 4.h), classifies it under the heading "Old man with short beard," with the description (p. 17):
Short broad nose, triangular beard with slightly curved sides, brows flying up to the sides, wrinkled forehead, full loose hair

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