Saturday, February 18, 2023


Great Gain

Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, "Brief Mention," American Journal of Philology 26.3 (1905) 358-362 (at 358-359):
[M]uch profit or, what is the same thing, much delight can be gained by communion with one or two authors, large-margined or interleaved for the reporting of observations or fancies. To this end a fresh copy is desirable so that previous notes may not interfere with the directness of vision. 'Musst immer thun wie neugeboren'—and this is the nearest approach an old scholar can make to Goethe's 'new birth' or Victor Hugo's remade maidenhood. The contemplation of such a work of art as a Pindaric ode or a Platonic dialogue, undisturbed by the impertinences of commentators or one's own previous fancies, is great gain.

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