Sunday, May 14, 2023



Plautus, Casina 915-920 (Pardalisca and Olympio speaking; tr. Wolfgang de Melo):
PAR. What happened in the end? Explain.

OL. Then I tried to seduce her. I said, "Casina, please, my little wife, why are you rejecting me, your husband, like this?"

PAR. quid fit denique? edisserta. OL. ibi appello, "Casina," inquam,
"amabo, mea uxorcula, quor virum tuom sic me spernis?
nimis tu quidem hercle immerito
meo mi haec facis."
From "appello" to "I tried to seduce her" seems a bit of a stretch, although cf. Ulpian, Digest (cited by W.T. MacCary and M.M. Willcock ad loc.):
appellare est blanda oratione alterius pudicitiam adtemptare.

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