Friday, July 28, 2023



Plautus, Amphitruo 648-653 (tr. Paul Nixon):
Courage is the very best gift of all; courage stands before everything, it does, it does! It is what maintains and preserves our liberty, safety, life, and our homes and parents, our country and children. Courage comprises all things: a man with courage has every blessing.

virtus praemium est optumum;
virtus omnibus rebus anteit profecto:
libertas, salus, vita, res et parentes,          650
patria et prognati                                      650a
tutantur, servantur:
virtus omnia in sese habet, omnia adsunt
bona quem penest virtus.

648 post optumum praemiorum add. Onions, nam virtute add. Havet
650a post patria hac add. Palmer
653 post bona ei add. Havet
D.C. Earl, "Political Terminology in Plautus," Historia 9.2 (April, 1960) 235-243, discusses virtus in detail, but doesn't mention this passage.

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