Sunday, July 09, 2023


Little to Fault in His Metrical Technique

James Diggle, "Sic Oxoniae Loquuntur," a review of John G. Griffith, Oratiunculae Oxonienses Selectae, in Classical Review 37.1 (1987) 92-95 (at 94):
A liberal admixture of verses adds further spice: G. can turn his hand not only to elegiacs and hexameters (Virgilian, Lucretian and Horatian), but also to hendecasyllables, senarii, scazons, iambic and trochaic septenarii, Alcaics, and Asclepiads. And I have little to fault in his metrical technique, though it might have been wise to avoid violation of diaeresis in an iambic septenarius, interlinear elision in senarii, and monosyllabic 'ain' in elegiacs.
Hat tip: Alan Crease.

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