Friday, September 15, 2023



Plautus, Captivi 768-771 (the parasite Ergasilus speaking; tr. Wolfgang de Melo):
Great Jupiter, you save me, prosper my property,
and bring me huge and lavish prosperity,
praise, profit, pleasure, laughter, liveliness, and leisure,
a parade of dishes, provisions, parties for drinking, fullness, joy.

Iuppiter supreme, servas me measque auges opes,
maximas opimitates opiparasque offers mihi,
laudem, lucrum, ludum, iocum, festivitatem, ferias,
pompam, penum, potationes. saturitatem, gaudium.
The same, tr. Erich Segal, Roman Laughter: The Comedy of Plautus, 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 207:
Jupiter Supreme, you are my guardian and prosperer,
You have blessed me with superbly super sumptuosities,
Praise and profit, jokes and fun — a festival of feasting full,
Pastry on parade, potations — all the joys of partying.

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