Thursday, August 22, 2024


A Sign of Divine Aid

Homer, Odyssey 24.182-185 (tr. A.T. Murray):
Then was it known that some god was their helper;
for straightway rushing on through the halls in their fury
they slew men left and right, and therefrom rose hideous groaning,
as heads were smitten, and all the floor swam with blood.

γνωτὸν δ᾽ ἦν ὅ ῥά τίς σφι θεῶν ἐπιτάρροθος ἦεν·
αὐτίκα γὰρ κατὰ δώματ᾽ ἐπισπόμενοι μένεϊ σφῷ
κτεῖνον ἐπιστροφάδην, τῶν δὲ στόνος ὤρνυτ᾽ ἀεικὴς
κράτων τυπτομένων, δάπεδον δ᾽ ἅπαν αἵματι θῦεν.·        185
Related post: A Heart-Warming Sight.

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