Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Marist Brothers College, Tientsin

O.D. Rasmussen, Tientsin: An Illustrated Outline History (Tientsin: The Tientsin Press, Ltd., 1925), p. 278:
The Marist Brothers College, a Roman Catholic institution, conducted by French Fathers, provides classes in both English and French. It had 120 pupils in 1920 and 150 in 1925. There are four classes in the English Department, the lowest for children of nine years and the highest for children of fifteen. There are two classes in French, one for children of about ten years and the other for children of about thirteen. There are eight male teachers and two extra for Latin and Piano, engaged locally from local residents. The College has three terms a year, one of four and two of three month's duration. Summer vacation is two months, Christmas ten days and Easter ten days. There is no understanding with other institutions abroad to admit without examination. The fees range between $30 and $40 per term.
My father attended this school sometime between 1927 and 1932. It accepted both day and boarding students, and my father must have been a boarding student, because his father (employed by Anderson, Meyer, and Co., Ltd.) was based in Shanghai. The school was founded in 1891 and was located on Rue St. Louis in Tientsin. Here is a photograph from Rasmussen (after p. 276):
This is of no interest to anyone except me and my family, but this blog is a convenient place for me to keep this information.

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