Thursday, November 14, 2024
A Lasterkatalog in Plautus
Plautus, Persa 553-560 (tr. Wolfgang de Melo):
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SAGARISTIOI don't have access to Erich Woytek, T. Maccius Plautus, Persa. Einleitung, Text und Kommentar (Vienna: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1982).
What about what you’ve seen? How did the city appear to be fortified with its wall?
If its inhabitants have a good character, I consider it beautifully fortified. If perfidy and embezzlement and greed have gone into exile from this city, fourth envy, fifth corruption, sixth vilification, seventh perjury—
(still aside) Hear, hear!
—eighth carelessness, ninth injustice, and tenth wickedness, which is most difficult of all to tackle: a city from which these are absent will be fortified sufficiently with a simple wall; where they are present, a hundredfold wall is too little to preserve its contents.
quid id quod vidisti? ut munitum muro tibi visum oppidum est?
si incolae bene sunt morati, id pulchre moenitum arbitror.
perfidia et peculatus ex urbe et avaritia si exulant, 555
quarta invidia, quinta ambitio, sexta optrectatio,
septumum periurium—
—octava indiligentia,
nona iniuria, decumum, quod pessumum aggressu est, scelus:
haec unde aberunt, ea urbs moenita muro sat erit simplici;
ubi ea aderunt, centumplex murus rebus servandis parum est. 560
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