Wednesday, January 08, 2025


We Love It, All the Same

Augustine, Sermons 335B.3 (Sancti Aureli Augustini Tractatus; sive, Sermones inediti ex codice Guelferbytano 4096, ed. G. Morin [Zurich: Rascher, 1918] p. 139; tr. Edmund Hill):
What is the activity engaged in by this life, which is loved so much? To desire, to fear, to hope, to be disappointed, to toil, to get ill; real sadness, bogus cheerfulness; pouring out prayers, fearing temptations and trials. What's this life like? Who can possibly have the eloquence adequately to describe its wretchedness? We love it, all the same.

actio vitae huius, quae sic amatur, quae est? cupere, timere, sperare, falli, laborare, aegrescere: vera tristitia, falsa laetitia: fundere orationes, timere temptationes. qualis haec vita? quis eius aerumnam quavis eloquentia describere potest? amatur tamen.

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