Monday, February 24, 2025


A Technique for Avoiding People

Diogenes Laertius 7.1.13 (on Zeno; tr. R.D. Hicks):
He disliked, they say, to be brought too near to people, so that he would take the end seat of a couch, thus saving himself at any rate from one half of such inconvenience.

ἐξέκλινε δέ, φησί, καὶ τὸ πολυδημῶδες, ὡς ἐπ᾿ ἄκρου καθίζεσθαι τοῦ βάθρου, κερδαίνοντα τὸ γοῦν ἕτερον μέρος τῆς ἐνοχλήσεως.

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