Friday, February 21, 2025
More Than a Misprint
Horace, Epodes and Odes. A New Annotated Latin Edition by Daniel H. Garrison (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991), p. 115 (Odes 3.15.8-10):
Newer› ‹Older
filia rectiusFor iuvenem (accusative singular) read iuvenum (genitive plural). One might dismiss this as a misprint were it not for Garrison's note on p. 317:
expugnat iuvenem domos,
pulso Thyias uti concita tympano.
9. expugnat iuvenem domos: storm his house and overcome his resistance.The incorrect reading (iuvenem) also appears in The Odes of Horace. Bilingual Edition. A Translation by David Ferry (1997; rpt. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998). Ferry nevertheless translates iuvenum:
Maybe it's perfectly all right for her
To lay siege to the young men's houses as if she were
A Bacchante whom the pulse of the drum had excited.
Labels: typographical and other errors