Sunday, July 10, 2022


Characteristics of Peoples

"De proprietatibus gentium," in Theodor Mommsen, ed., Chronica Minora Saec. IV. V. VI. VII., Vol. II (Berlin: Weidmann, 1894 = Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi XI), pp. 389-390 (simplified by the omission of manuscript variants, etc.).

Forma Prima: De proprietatibus gentium (p. 389):
1. sapientia Graecorum.
2. forcia Gotthorum.
3. consilia Chaldeorum.
4. superbia Romanorum.
5. ferocitas Francorum.
6. ira Britanorum.
7. libido Scottorum.
8. duritia Saxonum.
9. cupiditas Persarum.
10. invidia Iudaeorum.
11. pax Aethioporum.
12. commercia Gallorum.
Forma Secunda: De vitiis gentium (pp. 389-390):
1. invidia Iudeorum.
2. perfidia Persarum.
3. astutia Aegyptiorum.
4. fallatia Grecorum.
5. sevitia Sarracenorum.
6. levitas Chaldeorum.
7. varietas Afrorum.
8. gula Gallorum.
9. vana gloria Langobardorum.
10. crudelitas Unorum.
11. inmunditia Suavorum.
12. ferocitas Francorum.
13. stultitia Sasonorum.
13a. hebetudo Bavariorum.
14. luxuria Guasconum.
15. libido Scottorum.
16. vinolentia Spanorum.
17. duritia Pictorum.
17a. libido Suevorum.
19. ira Brittanorum.
20. spurticia Sclavorum.
21. rapacitas Normanorum.
De bonis naturis gentium (p. 390):
1. Hebreorum prudentia.
2. Persarum stabilitas.
3. Aegyptiorum sollertia.
4. Grecorum sapientia.
5. Romanorum gravitas.
6. largitas Longobardorum.
7. sobrietas Gotthorum.
8. Chaldeorum sagacitas.
9. Afrorum ingenium.
10. Gallorum firmitas.
11. Francorum fortitudo.
12. Saxonorum instantia.
13. Wasconorum agilitas.
14. Scottorum fidelitas.
15. Pictorum magnanimitas.
16. Spanorum argutia.
17. Brittanorum hospitalitas.
Tullius Marcus dixit:
Grecus irascitur ante causam,
Francus in causam,
Romanus post causam.
Francus gravis.
Romanus levis.
Afrus versipellis.
Tullii Marci hoc:
Callidus, Afer, eris semper, Romane, disertus,
   semper, Galle, piger, semper, Hibere, celer.
Translation of two of these lists by Andrew Gillett, "The Mirror of Jordanes: Concepts of the Barbarian, Then and Now," in Philip Rousseau, ed., A Companion to Late Antiquity (Malden: Blackwell, 2009), pp. 392-408 (at 393):
The Weaknesses of Peoples

The jealousy of the Jews
The perfidy of the Persians
The evasiveness of the Egyptians
The deceit of the Greeks
The savagery of the Saracens
The fickleness of the Chaldeans
The inconsistency of the Africans
The gluttony of the Gauls
The bragging of the Lombards
The cruelty of the Huns
The uncleanliness of the Sueves
The ferocity of the Franks
The stupidity of the Saxons
The indulgence of the Gascons
The lustfulness of the Scots
The inebriation of the Spaniards
The harshness of the Picts
The wrath of the Britons
The squalor of the Slavs

The Good Aspects of Peoples

The Hebrews' foresight
The Persians' constancy
The Egyptians' ingenuity
The Greeks' wisdom
The Romans' dignity
The Lombards' liberality
The Goths' soberness
The Chaldeans' wisdom
The Africans' wit
The Gauls' steadfastness
The Franks' fortitude
The Saxons' perseverance
The Gascons' agility
The Scots' faithfulness
The Picts' broadmindedness
The Spaniards' cleverness
The Britons' hospitality
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