Friday, December 06, 2024


A Skein of Fate

John Buchan (1875-1940), The Island of Sheep, chapter X (Valdemar Haraldsen speaking):
'We Norlanders get tied up in a skein of fate from which there is no escape. Read in the Sagas, and you will see how relentless is the wheel. Hrut slays Hrap, and Atli slays Hrut, and Gisli slays Atli, and Kari slays Gisli. My father, God rest him, punishes the old Troth, and the younger Troth would punish me, and if he succeeds perhaps Anna or some child of Anna's will punish him.'
See John Gornall, "John Buchan's The Island of Sheep and Færeyinga Saga," Saga-Book 24 (1994-1997) 351-354.

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